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extremely unlikely中文是什么意思

用"extremely unlikely"造句"extremely unlikely"怎么读"extremely unlikely" in a sentence


  • 极少发生的


  • Miracles may happen but they are extremely unlikely
  • In my opinion , it ' s extremely unlikely
  • It ' s extremely unlikely / improbable to reach an agreement between us
  • Dr sims also pointed out that transmission of fmd of pigs to human beings through contacts is extremely unlikely
  • She now believes suicide is extremely unlikely because there is one critical detail that makes … it implausible
  • One possibility is that the formation of something like dna , which could reproduce itself , is extremely unlikely
  • All this is of course assuming someone is actually planning to attack burma in the first place - a move which analysts agree is extremely unlikely
  • However where the product is nonproteinaceous , of low molecular weight and at the end of a long multienzyme sequence it is extremely unlikely that gene transfer to another host will be feasible
  • The first of the england games is against estonia at wembley is on 13th october and it is extremely unlikely that owen will be available for that game or the game with russia on the following wednesday
  • According to the department of health ( dh ) , the foot and mouth disease is not a public health hazard and the food and environmental hygiene department ( fehd ) confirmed that food - borne transmission is extremely unlikely
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"extremely unlikely"造句  
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